These instructions are made to fit 3 baby receiving blankets and a rattle for a baby shower.
You can change the height of the rectangle cubes to fit your gift.
Cut 4 strips at 4 by 11. Score each strip at 2 5/8 four times as shown above. The scoring will help you bend your rectangle to form a tube. The small edge left over will be for gluing each box together as shown below.
Glue all four of your rectangle tubes together and set aside to dry.
Cut a handle at 9 by 5 1/2 . (above picture) Curve top and cut a hole for handle. This will go in the center of the four rectangle cubes as shown below. Don't glue them together yet.
Now you need to cut and score the bottom piece.
For bottom piece: Cut a square 7 1/2 by 7 1/2 then score 1 in. all around. Cut corners as shown and glue corners to the inside to form the bottom box, as shown below.
Glue your decorative paper around three sides and just over the back edge.
Cover center handle piece and glue it to back of your two joined rectangle tubes. As shown below
Now glue the second set of joined rectangle tubes to the other side of the center handle piece.
Cover the bottom piece with contrasting paper and glue to bottom.
Add your gifts and embellish as desired
Makes a cute baby shower gift!
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